
Food for Thought (Spiritually Speaking)

Everywhere a Sign

Apr 28, 2023 by Colleen C Orchanian

In the Gospels, the Pharisees often ask Jesus for a sign to prove that He was the Messiah. Of course, he had already given many signs - they just didn't want to see them. Are we sometimes like that? Signs from God are all around us but sometimes we are blind to them. How can we recognize the Divine signs of God in our lives? 

God Woos

Apr 25, 2023 by Colleen C Orchanian

God is always wooing us, trying to gain our love so that we can be married to Him. And why would he want us to be married to him? Because that would be the best thing for us and he loves us enough to desire our good. Jesus is our spouse and he woos us so that we can benefit from all that he has prepared for us – both in this life and the next.