Colleen C Orchanian

Colleen Orchanian is an author, spiritual director, podcaster, and retreat leader. She is retired as Adult Formation Director and Director of Religious Education. She lives in Blairsville, Georgia with her husband, Tom, and son, Tommy. There's more! Check it out by clicking READ MORE.

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Live Dangerously!

Live Dangerously!
Jul 24, 2024 by Colleen C Orchanian

We often take care to protect our bodies, possessions, and families from the evils of the world. Do we take as much care to protect our souls? Jesus said in Matthew 10:28, Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. So the question is, Are we living dangerously with our souls?

Skipping Steps

Skipping Steps
Jun 26, 2024 by Colleen C Orchanian

Five-year-old Noah likes to skip steps. When he climbs the stairs, he stretches his little legs to see how many steps he can skip. When he comes down, he likes to jump from the third step all the way to the bottom. There are some areas where skipping steps is a bad idea - like in the spiritual life. 


Jun 19, 2024 by Colleen C Orchanian

All of us can say we are not close enough to Christ. We will never be close enough until we leave this life and are fully united to Him in Heaven. Our longing for Him will remain with us while we still have breath. So the idea of not being close enough to Jesus is a given. But there is more.When we are weak or succumb to temptation, we are not close enough to Christ.

No Offense

No Offense
Jun 12, 2024 by Colleen C Orchanian

I heard this at church the other day: Good Catholics don't offend others. It was stated as a fact – and maybe as a way to encourage others to dismiss the clear teachings of the Church. You could replace Catholic with Christian and it would have the same meaning. A good Christian doesn't offend others. I have been thinking about this and trying to find the truth in the statement because there is some truth to it.

You Do You

You Do You
Jun 05, 2024 by Colleen C Orchanian

I have been riding motorcycles for over 35 years and I'm very skilled. My husband and I live in the mountains and are used to riding curvy mountain roads. Sometimes we rode with people from Florida who were not used to the curves, so I would lead them through until they felt comfortable going at a faster pace. When they thought they were ready (even if they weren't), they would pass me and take off. That's okay – You do you. I'm here to help, but each rider is responsible for their own ride.

God often takes the same approach with us.